Magical Thursdays

give yourself the gift of deep healing, rest, release,
reprieve, and a sense of wonder and magic

Magical Thursdays

Thursdays, 7:00-8:00 pm -or- 7:00-8:15 pm (depending on class content)
COST: one credit -or- two credits (depending on class content)


Each week we provide a specially cultivated offering designed to support deep healing, rest, release, reprieve, and a sense of wonder and magic. This is an opportunity to become dazzled by the incredible healing power that lives within your own body, your own being. What if the magical act of caring for yourself is a small drop in the ocean of humanity, lifted up as an offering to heal collective trauma, grief, and pain? What if we all hold within ourselves incredible ancestral, collective, and personal strength, resilience, and potential for healing, transformation, and growth? Maybe the most revolutionary act we can embark upon is our own healing. In these simple moments of beautiful community and co-regulation, may the roots of this sacred healing reach out from us to the collective, solidifying the reality that we are all deeply connected, we are One. Together we are creating a world where all people can belong and be whole.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in

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Leonard Cohen